I had quite a bit of meat and dough left over from our dumplings, so I decided to make some meatballs with the meat, and pasta like sheets with the dough. I then threw them into Chinese soup with some bok choy, and sprinkled some finely sliced green onion. I also used mapo tofu mix and some of the left over meat to make mapo tofu. The dishes were made mostly from the left overs, so it was really affordable tonight!!
材料 Ingredients
中華風煮込み肉団子 Chinese Soup with Meatballs
餃子の具(Dumpling Mix)130g 残り物(Left Over)
サラダ油(Vegetabe Oil)大1(1 TBSP)
餃子の皮(Dumpling Skins)残り物(Left Over)
青梗菜(Bok Choy)1株(1 Bunch)¥50($0.50)
味覇(Powdered Chinese Soup Stock)小2(2 TSP)
長ネギ(Green Onion)5cm ¥5($0.05)
塩(Salt)適量(Suitable Amount)
胡椒(Pepper)適量(Suitable Amount)
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu
麻婆豆腐の素(Mapo Tofu Mix)2人前(2 Servings)¥60($0.60)
ニラ(Garlic Chives)1/2束(50g)¥65($0.65)
餃子の具(Dumpling Mix)30g 残り物(Left Over)
鷹の爪(Dried Chilies)3本(3)
胡麻油(Sesame Oil)大1(1 TBSP)
ご飯(Steamed Rice)2膳(160g)頂き物(Gift)
I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.
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