
カジキマグロのソテーとお豆腐のサラダ(Sautéed Billfish and Tofu Salad)


I sautéed some billfish slices tonight, and had them with some tomato sauce. As a side dish, I also prepared a small spinach salad with sliced onions and balsamic vinegar dressing. I also had some tofu that I wanted to use, so another salad dish! With some steamed cabbage, tomato slices, tofu, and broccoli sprouts, it was  a healthy and fulfilling salad. I really recommend this tofu salad, since it is relatively easy to get tofu and ponzu abroad!! Have fun cooking!

材料 Ingredients

カジキマグロのソテー Sautéed Billfish
カジキマグロ(Billfish)2切(2 Slices)¥200($2.00)
ハーブソルト(Herb Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)
小麦粉(Flower)適量(Suitable Amount)
トマトソース(Tomato Sauce)大2(2 TBSP)作り置き(Stock)
オリーブオイル(EV Olive Oil)大2(2 TBSP)
ほうれん草のサラダ Spinach Salad
ほうれん草(Spinach)2束(2 Bundles)¥30($0.30)
アーリーレッド(Red Onion)1/2個(1/2)¥50($0.50)
☆バルサミコ酢(Balsamic Vinegar)大2(2 TBSP)
☆オレンジジュース(Orange Juice)小1(1 TSP)
☆塩(Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)
☆胡椒(Pepper)少々(1/10 TSP)

お豆腐のサラダ Tofu Salad
木綿豆腐(Firm Tofu)1丁(300g)¥70($0.70)
キャベツ(Cabbage)葉1枚(1 Leaf)¥5($0.05)
ブロッコリーの新芽(Broccoli Sprouts)
☆ポン酢(Ponzu)大2(2 TBSP)
☆長ネギ(Spring Onion)1/4本(1/4 Stick)¥25($0.25)
☆おろし生姜(Grated Ginger)小1(1 TSP)

ご飯(Steamed Rice)150g 頂き物(GIft)

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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