
鰹丼(Rice Bowl with Grilled Oceanic Bonito)


I had a chunk of raw oceanic bonito that I wanted to eat as sashimi, but I was a bit busy and the expiry time was coming up, so I decided to grill them with garlic flavoured vegetable oil. Oceanic bonito has a bit of distinct, and strong, fishy smell, so I also made a sauce with grated ginger, grated garlic, finely chopped spring onions, and ponzu. On a plate, I threw some finely sliced red onions first, and then placed grilled oceanic bonito slices. I poured the sauce on top, and then topped it with a hefty amount of chopped spring onions. We enjoyed picking them away with a glass of beer in our hands for a bit, but we ended up using them as a topping for a rice bowl. I added some finely chopped Japanese radish and fresh green perilla leaves, but nothing fancy. Pretty healthy dinner if you disregard our beer and rice consumption... hehe

Have fun in your kitchen!


材料 Ingredients

鰹丼 Rice Bowl with Grilled Oceanic Bonito
鰹の柵(Fresh Chunk of Oceanic Bonito)300g ¥200($2.00)
サラダ油(Calorie Free Vegetable Oil)大2(2 TBSP)
にんにく(Garlic)2片(2 Cloves)
長ネギ(Spring Onion)1/2本(1/2 Stick)¥50($0.50)
大葉(Fresh Green Perilla Leaves)4枚(4 Leaves)¥40($0.40)
大根(Japanese Radish)2cm ¥20($0.20)
ご飯(Steamed Rice)200g 頂き物(GIft)
☆ポン酢(Ponzu)大3(3 TBSP)
☆長ネギ(Spring Onion)1/2本(1/2 Stick)¥50($0.50)
☆おろし生姜(Grated Ginger)小1(1 TSP)
☆おろしにんにく(Grated Garlic)小1(1 TSP)

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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