
クリスマスディナー(Christmas Dinner)



I hope you all had a great Christmas! Always a busy time of the year for all of us, but I wanted to upload our Christmas dinner that I made this year. For the starter, I solidified some tomato juice with powdered agar, and served them with some silken tofu, fresh basil and salad dressing. As appetizer, I made some stuffed tunip salads and served them with yuzu flavoured cream sauce with grated turnip. Two layers of jello inside the turnip was a nice touch, I think. They definitely looked pretty. For pasta, I used spinach and plain tagliatelle that I had made the night before, and served them with mushroom-based cream sauce. For the main fish dish, I stuffed frozen pie dough with bread crumbs, salmon, steamed tomato slices, powdered Parmesan cheese, and then threw them in the oven for a bit. I was also going to make some steak, but we got full before getting there... It's popular to go out for dinner as a couple here on the Christmas eve here in Japan, but I enjoyed cooking just for two of us at home. I do miss the turkey, stuffings, and the mushrooms though.

材料 Ingredients

お豆腐とトマトのサラダ Tomato and Silken Tofu Salad

絹ごし豆腐(Silken Tofu)150g ¥50$0.50)
トマトジュース(Tomato Juice)150ml ¥15$0.15)
寒天Dried Agar2g ¥50$0.50)
(Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)
胡椒(Black Pepper)少々(1/10 TSP)
バジル(Basil)4(4 Fresh Leaves)自家製(Home Grown)
ノンオイルバジルドレッシング(Non-Oil Basil Dressing)2(2 TBSP)

かぶのゼリー寄せ Turnip Salad with Stuffed Jello

かぶ(Small Turnips)2(2)¥50$0.50)
柚子(Grated Yuzu Skin)少々(1/10 TSP)
(Salt少々(1/10 TSP)
低脂肪牛乳(Low Fat Milk)1/4カップ50ml
黒胡椒(Black Pepper)少々(1/10 TSP)
ゼラチンPowdered Gelatine10g
パプリカパウダー(Paprika Powder)少々(1/10 TSP)
ハーブソルト(Herb Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)


タリアテッレTagliatelle160g ¥30$0.30
しめじ(Shimeji Mushroom)50g $50$0.50)
えのき茸(Enoki Mushroom)50g $50($0.50)
ワイン(White Wine)1/8カップ(25ml)
オリーブオイル(EV Olive Oil)1(1 TBSP)
無塩バター(Non-Salted Butter)1(1 TBSP)
低脂肪牛乳(Low Fat Milk)1カップ200ml
(Salt少々(1/10 TSP)
黒胡椒(Black Pepper)少々(1/10 TSP)
パセリ(Fresh Parsley)適量(Suitable Amount)

トルティーノ Salmon Tortino

切身(Small Fresh Salmon Fillet)2(2 Slices)¥100$1.00
冷凍パイシート(Frozen Pie Sheet)10cm x 20cm ¥25$0.25)
(Salt少々(1/10 TSP
黒胡椒(Black Pepper)少々(1/10 TSP)
パン粉(Bread Crumbs)25g
にんにく(Garlic)2(2 Cloves)
オリーブオイル(EV Olive Oil)2(2 TBSP)
パセリ(Parsley)2(2 TBSP)
パルメザンチーズ(Powdered Parmesan Cheese)1(1 TBSP)¥50$0.50)
イタリアンパセリ(Fresh Italian Parsley)飾り(For Garnish)自家製(Home Grown)

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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