
チーズ鍋とサラダの夕食(Cheese Hotpot and a Simple Salad)


Hotpot is expanding its flavors here in Japan in the last few years. We have tried a few including the likes of tandoori chicken hotpot, curry hotpot, Korean spicy hotpot et cetera. I found a package for cheese hotpot tonight, so I thought we have to give it a try. We are both lovers of cheese after all. I added some veggies, mushrooms, tofu, and chicken to the cheese hotpot broth, and had it with a simple lettuce and tomato salad! 

材料 Ingredients

チーズ鍋 Cheese Hotpot
チーズ鍋の素(Cheese Hotpot Broth)750g ¥300($3.00)
鶏胸肉(Chicken Breast)1枚(200g)¥150($1.50)
じゃがいも(Potatoes)小6個(6 Small Ones)¥30($0.30)
絹豆腐(Silken Tofu)1丁(350g)¥60($0.60)
しめじ(Shimeji Mushroom)1/2パック(50g)¥50($0.50)
えのき茸(Enoki Mushroom)1/2パック(50g)¥50($0.50)
青梗菜(Bok Choy)1株(1 Stump)¥40($0.40)
さやいんげん(String Beans)6本(6)頂き物(Gift)

サラダ Simple Salad
リーフレタス(Leaf Lettuce)葉1枚(1 Leaf)¥20($0.20)
ノンオイルバジルドレッシング(Non-Oil Basil Dressing)適量(Suitable Amount)

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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