
さんまのグリル、大根と人参のサラダ、かぶの即席漬け、お味噌汁(Grilled Pacific Saury, Japanese Radish Salad with Carrots, Green Chilies and Dried Seaweed, Pickled White Radish, and Miso Soup))


It's almost the end of the season for the Pacific saury here in Japan, so I grilled them, and had them with grated Japanese radish, fresh green perilla leaves, and ponzu. For a salad, I shredded some Japanese radish and carrots and added some green chilies and Korean dried seaweed for toppings. I had some Japanese plum dressing, so that was perfect. I had some pickled white radish left from last night, so we had that as a third dish. With some steamed rice and miso soup, it was a perfect Japanese supper!

材料 Ingredients

秋刀魚のグリル Grilled Pacific Saury
秋刀魚(Fresh Pacific Saury)2切(2 Slices)¥160($1.60)
大根おろし(Grated Japanese Radish)2センチ分(2 cm Worth )¥20($0.20)
大葉(Fresh Green Perilla Leaves)2枚(2 Leaves)¥20($0.20)
ポン酢(Ponzu)適量(Suitable Amount)

大根と人参のサラダ Japanese Radish Salad with Carrots, Green Chilies and Dried Seaweed
大根(Japanese Radish)4cm ¥40($0.40)
青唐辛子(Fresh Green Chilies)4本(4)¥20($0.20)
韓国海苔(Gim / Korean Dried Seaweed)4枚(4 Slices)¥15($0.15)
梅ドレッシング(Japanese Plum Dressing)適量(Suitable Amount)

カブの即席漬け Pickled White Radish
残り物(Left Overs)

お味噌汁 Miso Soup
顆粒和風出汁(Powdered Japanese Soup Stock)小1/2(1/2 TSP)
大根(Japanese Radish)1センチ分(1 cm Worth )¥10($0.10)
人参(Carrot)小1本(1 Small)¥10($0.10)  
お味噌(Miso)大2(2 TBSP)

ご飯(Steamed Rice)1杯(150g)¥40($0.40)

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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