
糸こんにゃくで焼きそば(Stir-Fried Chow Mein with String Konnyaku)


I decided to make some stir-fried chow mein with string konnyaku instead of the usual Chinese egg noodles. Less calories and carbs always help my wife, but she said she enjoyed the taste as well. If the dish is both healthy and tasty, I couldn't ask for more, right!?

材料 Ingredients

糸こんにゃく(String Konnyaku)150g ¥80($0.80)
キャベツ(Cabbage)1/8 ¥15($0.15)
もやし(Bean Sprouts)1/2袋(125g)¥15($0.15)
ピーマン(Green Peppers)2個(2)頂き物(Gift)
赤唐辛子(Fresh Red Chilies)3本(3 Sticks)頂き物(GIft)
粉末焼きそばソース(Powdered Chow Mein Sauce)残り物(Left Over)

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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