
Japanese Ingredients 001: Fresh Green Perilla Leaves

It's always difficult to describe and explain Japanese ingredients in English. As with anything, ingredients come in many shapes and forms, so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce some popular ingredients with pictures here. That way you can look at my recipes alongside pictures of what ingredients actually look like. I hope this blog continues to be useful in assisting your kitchen adventures!! 

Japanese Ingredients 001: Fresh Green Perilla Leaves

For the first post of this series, I decided to go with fresh green perilla leaves. It's a kind of Japanese herb that is frequently cooked or served with white fish to diminish their fishiness. I also serve it frequently with chilled tofu dish as a fragrant accent. It's something that is usually available throughout the year at local grocery stores here, and are sold for about $1 for 10 leaves. My wife and I are thinking about planting our own next spring because perilla leaves are something we always want to have in our fridge, and are apparently easy to grow! They have a very distinct smell, but we love it very much. I hope you can find them at your local grocery stores and  give it a try!

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