
鮭、おから、じゃがいものハンバーグと人参のサラダ(Salisbury Steak-Like Dish with Salmon, Tofu Refuse, and Potato Mixture, and Carrot Saladå)


I had some mixture of shredded salmon, tofu refuse and potatoes from last night, so I rolled them into few pieces and grilled them on a pan. I made some white sauce with some komatsuna, and served with some carrot salad as a side dish.

材料 Ingredients

鮭、おから、じゃがいものハンバーグ Salisbury Steak-Like Dish with Salmon, Tofu Refuse, and Potato Mixture
鮭、おから、じゃがいもコロッケのタネ(Mixture of Shredded Salmon, Tofu Refuse, and Potatoes)残り物(Left Over)
サラダ油(Vegetable Oil)適量(Suitable Amount)
★小松菜(Komatsuna / A Type Potherb Mustard)4株(70g)¥30($0.30)
★日本食研「洋食作り<ホワイトソースの素>」(Powdered White Sauce Mix)大1(1 TBSP)

人参のサラダ Carrot Salad
塩(Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)
胡椒(Pepper)少々(1/10 TSP)

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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