
南瓜とホワイトソースのグラタン(Pumpkin and White Sauce Gratin)


Using pumpkin that we got from my parents, and powdered white sauce from Nihon Shokken that I am reviewing, I decided to make a quick gratin. The powdered white sauce already includes seasonings such as garlic powder, cheese, and nutmeg, so all I needed was some milk to make a decent white sauce. A very useful product for a quick lunch! $1.40 for 2 servings of lunch isn't bad either!

材料 Ingredients(2人前 2 Servings)

「洋食作り<ホワイトソースの素>」(Powdered White Sauce)大3(3 TBSP)
とろけるチーズ(Sliced Cheese)1枚(1 Slice)¥20($0.20)
ドライパセリ(Dried Parsley)飾り(For Garnish)

作り方 Directions

1)南瓜を1口サイズに切りシリコンスチーマーに入れ、レンジ(500W)で4分程加熱する。Cut pumpkin into bite size pieces, put them into a silicon steamer, and cook them in the microwave (500W) for about 4 minutes.
2)鍋に日本食研「洋食作り<ホワイトソースの素>」と冷たい牛乳を入れよく混ぜ、弱火でとろみがつくまで火を入れます。Put some cold milk and powdered white sauce in a pot, and stir well. Put the pot on low heat, and continue to stir until the sauce thickens.
3)オーブン用耐熱容器やココット等に南瓜を入れ、玉葱を混ぜ入れたホワイトソースをかけます。とろけるチーズを上に乗せ、チーズに焼き色が付くまで200度のオーブンで熱します。仕上げにパセリを散らしたら出来上がりです。Put the pumpkin pieces into an ovenware, and pour finely sliced onions and white sauce on top. Place some cheese on top, and throw it in the oven (approximately 200c) until the cheese is melted. Garnish with some parsley before serving!

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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