
ノルウェー・サーモン、セロリとヨーグルトのソース添え、豆腐ステーキのジェノベーゼソース和え(Norwegian Salmon Sashimi with Yogurt and Celery Sauce, Tofu Steak with Pesto Genovese)


I still had a bit of salmon left, so I decided to make some yogurt sauce to go with it. For main dish, I made some tofu steaks and had them with pesto genovese. It was my first time eating tofu with pesto genovese, but it was good!! I would definitely make it again!!

材料 Ingredients(2人前 2 Servings)

ノルウェー・サーモン、セロリとヨーグルトのソース添え Norwegian Salmon Sashimi with Yogurt and Celery Sauce
ノルウェー・サーモンの刺身(Norwegian Salmon Sashimi Slices)100g
パセリのみじん切り(Diced Fresh Parsley)大2(2 TBSP)
塩(Salt)小1(1 TSP)
胡椒(Pepper)少々(1/10 TSP)
レモンのスライス(Lemon Slices)飾り(For Garnish)¥25($0.25)
★セロリの茎の薄切り(Finely Sliced Celery Root)1/4本(1/4)¥25($0.25)
★ヨーグルト(Yogurt)60g ¥20($0.20)
★ケーパーのみじん切り(Finely Diced Capper)小1(1 TSP)
★マスタード(French Mustard)小3(3 TSP)
★塩(Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)
★イタリアンパセリ(Italian Parsley)飾り(For Garnish)

豆腐ステーキのジェノベーゼソース和え Tofu Steak with Pesto Genovese
木綿豆腐(Firm Tofu)1丁(400g)¥20($0.20)
ガーリックオイル(Garlic Oil)大1(1 TBSP)
ジェノベーゼソース(Pesto Genovese)大3(3 TBSP)
バジルの葉(Basil Leaves)4枚(4 Leaves)飾り(For Garnish)

ご飯(Steamed Rice)1杯(150g)¥15($0.15)

★ are ingredients for celery and yogurt sauce

作り方 Direction

ノルウェー・サーモン、セロリとヨーグルトのソース添え Norwegian Salmon Sashimi with Yogurt and Celery Sauce
1)セロリをピーラーで薄く剥き、塩揉みする。Peal celery finely, and add a pinch of salt to dehydrate.
2)ボウルにヨーグルト、マスタード、ケーパーのみじん切りを入れ混ぜる。Mix yogurt, French mustard, and diced capper in a bowl.
3)水を切ったセロリを加え、更に混ぜ合わせる。Drain excess water from celery, and mix it with yogurt sauce. 
4)お皿にサーモンの刺身を乗せ、ソースを乗せ、その上にレモンのスライスとイタリアンパセリを飾ったら完了♪Place salmon slices on a plate, and pour some sauce on top. Garnish with some lemon slices and fresh Italian parsley.

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

This recipe is made specifically for a Japanese website called Recipe Blog in reviewing and tasting fresh Norwegian salmon. Please click the button below to support my recipe.

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