
ノルウェー・サーモンのお刺身ワサビソース添え、サーモンパイ、茄子のトマトソース焼き(Norwegian Salmon Sashimi with Wasabi Sauce, Salmon Pie, and Grilled Eggplant with Tomato Sauce)


Another night with Norwegian salmon sashimi. I made some wasabi sauce this time, and served it with squid sashimi, and sauteed tomato slices and mushrooms. I also made some salmon pie and grilled eggplants.

材料 Ingredients(2人前 2 Servings)

ノルウェー・サーモンのお刺身ワサビソース添え Norwegian Salmon Sashimi with Wasabi Sauce
ノルウェー・サーモンの切り身(Norwegian Salmon Sashimi Slices)150g
イカのお刺身(Squid Sasihmi Slices)150g ¥80($0.80) 
レモンスライス(Lemon Slices)1/4個(1/4 Lemon)¥30($0,30)
ローズマリー(Fresh Rosemary)飾り(For Garnish)
★オリーブオイル(EV Olive Oil)50g
★レモン汁(Lemon Juice)小1(1 TSP)
★塩(Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)
★胡椒(Pepper)少々(1/10 TSP)

サーモンパイ Salmon Pie
生秋鮭角切り(Fresh Salmon Slices)150g ¥100($1.00)
ブラウンマッシュルーム(Brown Musrooms)4個(4)¥15($0.15)
冷凍パイシート(Frozen Pie Sheet)1枚(10cm x 20 cm)¥50($0.50)
ハーブソルト(Herb Salt)小1(1 TSP)
イタリアンパセリ(Italian Parsley)飾り(For Garnish)
★コンソメ(Powdered Consomme Soup Stock)小1(1 TSP)

茄子のトマトソース焼き Grilled Eggplant with Tomato Sauce
トマトソース(Tomato Sauce)大4(4 TBSP)
スライスチーズ(Sliced Cheese)1枚(1 Slice)¥20($0.20)

★ are ingredients for sauces.

作り方 Directions

ノルウェー・サーモンのお刺身ワサビソース添え Norwegian Salmon Sashimi with Wasabi Sauce
  Add ingredients for wasabi sauce into a bowl, and whisk it well.
  Pour small amount of sauce on a plate, top it with sauteed tomato, brown mushroom, salmon sashimi and squid sashimi. Garnish with some rosemary and lemon slices. Serve it with some wasabi sauce on the side.

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

This recipe is made specifically for a Japanese website called Recipe Blog in reviewing and tasting fresh Norwegian salmon. Please click the button below to support my recipe.


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