
和風ハンバーグ、足長ブロッコリーとトマトのサラダ、小松菜のお浸し、冷奴(Japanese Style Salisbury Steak, Long Stem Broccoli and Tomato Salad, Simmered Komatsuna / A Type Potherb Mustard, and Chilled Tofu)


I made some Salisbury steak-like dish few days ago and froze them for later use.  I defrosted some tonight, and had them with grated Japanese radish, chopped green perilla leaves, and ponzu jello. Even though it is a meat dish, the toppings make it fresh and easy to eat even in a hot summer night. We had the steaks with a salad, komatsuna, and chilled tofu. It was my first time cooking long stem broccoli, but I loved it! I actually prefer this over normal broccoli when I am making salad.

材料 Ingredients

ご飯(Steamed Rice)1杯(125g)¥15($0.15)

和風ハンバーグ Japanese Style Salisbury Steak
作り置き冷凍ハンバーグ(Stocked Japanese Style Salisbury Steak)4 ¥150($1.50)
大根おろし(Grated Japanese Radish)3cm ¥10($0.10)
大葉(Green Perilla Leaves)2枚(2 Leaves)¥20($0.20)
ポン酢ジュレ(Ponzu Jello)大1(1 TBSP)

足長ブロッコリーとトマトのサラダ Long Stem Broccoli and Tomato Salad
足長ブロッコリー(Long Stem Broccoli)6株(6 Sticks)¥100($1.00)
マヨネーズ(Mayo)大2(2 TBSP)
塩(Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)

小松菜のお浸し Simmered Komatsuna / Potherb Mustard
小松菜(Komatsuna / A Type Potherb Mustard)1/2把(150g)¥60($0.60)
★粉末出汁(Powdered Japanese Soup Stock)小1/2(1/2 TSP)
★水(Water)大4(4 TBSP)
★醤油(Soy Sauce)小2(2 TSP)
★酒(Sake)大1(1 TBSP)
★胡麻油(Sesame Oil)小2(2 TSP)

冷奴 Chilled Tofu
ドレッシング(Dressing)昨日のお昼の残り(Left Over from Yesterday's Lunch)
小松菜のざく切り(Diced Komatsuna / A Type Potherb Mustard)大1(2 TBSP)お浸しの残り(Left Overs from the Dish Above)

★ は浸し汁です
★ are ingredients for soaking soup for komatsuna / potherb mustard

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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