
焼き鮭の香味ソース、野菜の巾着煮物、小松菜のサラダとお味噌汁(Grilled Salmon with Seasoned Sauce, Simmered Deep Fried Tofu Bags with Mushrooms and Veggies, Komatsuna / Potherb Mustard Salad, and Miso Soup)


Spring is a great season for fish here in Japan. We eat salmon throughout the year, but autumn is by far the best time to eat them. I found some tonight on sale, so I powdered them a bit with flower, grilled them, and topped them with same seasoned sauce! Both my wife and I love this dish. I also had some deep fried tofu in the freezer that I wanted to use up, so I stuffed them with sliced carrots, Japanese radish, shimeji mushroom, edamame beans and some shrimps. I simmered them in a pot of soup, and done! A little tricky to prepare, but looks real cute, I think. I had some sliced carrots and Japanese radish that didn't fit in the bags of deep fried tofu, so I used them for komatsuna salad. Very simple dressing with sesame oil! We had these three dishes with a bowl of rice (my wife skipped the rice), and, of course, miso soup! 

材料 Ingredients

焼き鮭の香味ソース Grilled Salmon with Seasoned Sauce
生秋鮭角切(Fresh Salmon)300g ¥230($2.30)
小麦粉(Flower)大1(1 TBSP)
サラダ油(Salad Oil)大1(1 TBSP)
★ネギのみじん切り(FInely Chopped Spring Onion)大4(4 TBSP)¥5($0.05)
★醤油(Soy Sauce)大2(2 TBSP)
★レモン汁(Lemon Juice)大1(1 TBSP)
★水(Water)大1(1 TBSP)
★砂糖(Sugar)小1(1 TSP)
★おろし生姜(Grated Ginger)小1/2(1/2 TSP)
★鷹の爪(Dried Chilies)2本(2 Sticks)

野菜の巾着煮物 Simmered Deep Fried Tofu Bags with Mushrooms and Veggies
お揚げ(Deep Fried Tofu)2枚(2 Slices)¥20($0.20)
大根(Japanese Radish)2cm ¥10($0.10)
しめじ(Shimeji Mushroom)1/4パック(25g)¥20($0.20)
枝豆(Edamame Beans)8粒程(8)¥10($0.10)
★出汁(Japanese Soup Stock)250ml
★醤油(Soy Sauce)大1(1 TBSP)
★砂糖(Sugar)大1(1 TBSP)
★みりん(Mirin)大1(1 TBSP)
★酒(Sake)大1(1 TBSP)

小松菜のサラダ Komatsuna / Potherb Mustard Salad
小松菜(Komatsuna / A Type Potherb Mustard)1/4把(80g)¥30($0.30)
大根(Japanese Radish)1cm ¥5($0.05)
★塩(Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)
★胡椒(Pepper)少々(1/10 TSP)
★胡麻油(Sesame Oil)小2(2 TSP)
★白胡麻(Roasted White Sesame)飾り(For Garnish)

お味噌汁 Miso Soup
出汁入り味噌(Miso with Powdered Japanese Soup Stock)大2(2 TBSP)
お揚げ(Deep Fried Tofu)1枚(1 Slices)¥10($0.10)
ネギ(Spring Onion)1/2本 ¥15($0.15)

ご飯(Steamed Rice)1杯(150g)¥15($15)

I have added extra $1 for seasonings and condiments that I didn’t calculate above.

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