
豆腐ステーキ(Tofu Steak)



I decided to make some tofu steaks tonight with stir-fried burdock. I for got to take a picture of the stir-fry, so more about that tomorrow because  I am sure I will have some left overs. Tofu steaks are quite easy dish to make. After draining the water well, cut them into couple of steak-size pieces, sprinkle flower on all sides of the tofu, and grill them in the pan with heated vegetable oil and butter. Once all sides are cooked, they are ready to go! For sauce, I stir-fried some Japanese variety of green pepper, onion slices, and shimeji mushroom with soy sauce and mirin. To give thickness, I added a mixture of potato starch and water. We had it with some stir-fried burdock, rice and some miso soup. You can easily make it with any sauce of your choice!

材料 Ingredients

お豆腐のステーキ Tofu Steak
小麦粉(Flower)適量(Suitable Amount)
サラダ油(Vegetable Oil)大1(1 TBSP)
にんにく(Garlic)1片(1 Clove)
バター(Butter)10g ¥30($0.30)
醤油(Soy Sauce)大3(3 TBSP)
みりん(Mirin)大1(1 TBSP
かぶ(Japanese Turnip)2個(2)¥100($1.00)
玉葱(Onion)1個(1 piece)¥30($0.30)
しめじ(Shimeji Mushroom)1/2パック(1/2 Pack)¥35($0.35)

ししとう(A Variety of Green Pepper)6 頂き物(Gift)
片栗粉(Potato Starch)適量(Suitable Amount)
水(Water)適量(Suitable Amount)

きんぴらごぼう Stir-Fried Burdock
唐辛子(Dried Red Chilies)3本(3)
胡麻油(Sesame Oil)大3.5(3.5 TBSP)
醤油(Soy Sauce)大1.5(1.5 TBSP)
酒(Sake)大1(1 TBSP)
砂糖(Sugar)大1(1 TBSP)
粉末出汁(Powdered Japanese Soup Stock)小2/4(2/4 TSP)
ラー油(Chili Sesame Oil)適量(Suitable Amount)

¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.

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