My sister came to visit today, so we had lunch together. We don't live far from each other, but we haven't had the time to visit too much. It was nice to have a relaxing lunch and a long chat. We had pork cutlet burger and some tomato soup! I was also chosen to monitor two new products from House Foods Inc., and I have to post recipes using them. Nevertheless, it's always nice to get things for free though.
作り方 Directions
・Cut an onion into 5mm slices, and grill them on a pan.
・Cut a tomato into 1cm slices.
・Heat 3 pieces of pre-cooked pork cutlet, and toast 3 English muffins.
・Spread small amount of butter and mayo onto the muffins, and place lettuce leaves, onion slices, cutlet, and tomatoes. Pour some "Ponzu Jello" on the tomato slices, and done!
材料 Ingredients (3人前/3 Servings)
ミニカツ(Small Pork Cutlet)3枚(3 Pieces)¥50($0.50)
イングリッシュマッフィン(English Muffin)¥150($1.50)
サラダ菜(Boston Lettuce)6枚(6 Leaves)¥40($0.40)
マヨネーズ(Mayo)適量(Suitable Amount)
バター(Butter)適量(Suitable Amount)
ポン酢ジュレ(Ponzu Jello)大3(3 tbsp)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.

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