
かた焼きそばと残り物あんかけ(Grilled Noodles with Left Over Sauce)


I had some sauce left over from yesterday's lunch. We had it with rice yesterday, but I had some noodles in the fridge, so a bit of change wouldn't hurt! All the same stuff from yesterday, but the shift from a bowl of rice to grilled noodles did more than I had imagined. Decent dish, and I will try this again.

作り方 Direction

1)フライパンに胡麻油を熱し、焼きそばの麺を入れます。焦げめが付いたら裏返し、水を加え蓋をし、蒸し焼きにする。Heat some sesame oil in the pan, and grill some noodles until both sides are nice and brown. Add a bit of water and put a lid to steam cook the noodles.
2)水分が無くなったらへらで押し、カリカリになるまで焼き上げる。(麺の上にアルミホイルを乗せ、その上から水を入れた鍋等を置くと重しになっていいかも♪)Once the water is evaporated, flatten the noodle with a spatula and grill until the noodles are crispy on both sides. If you put an aluminum foil on top of the noodles, and place a pot filled with water, it flattens the noodles quite well.
3)残り物のあんをかけ、好みで一味唐辛子と花椒を振る。Heat up the left over sauce from yesterday and pour it on top. Sprinkle some chili pepper and Sichuan pepper.

材料 Ingredients

中華麺(Chinese Egg Noodles2杯分(200g¥70$0.70
胡麻油(Sesame Oil)大2(2 TBSP)
小松菜(Mustard Spinach)4束(4 Bundles)¥60($0.60)
キャベツの葉(Cabbage)3枚(3 Leaves)¥20($0.20)
ネギ(Spring Onion)1/2本(1/2 Stick)¥25($0.25)
しめじ(Shimeji Mushroom)1/2パック(50g)¥40($0.40)
粉末鶏ガラスープの素(Powdered Chinese Chicken Soup Stock)5g
花椒(Sichuan Pepper)小1(1 TSP)
オイスターソース(Oyster Sauce)大3(3 TBSP)

¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.

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