
鮭の焼き浸しと温野菜、茄子とニラのニンニク浸し、水菜ときゅうりと人参のサラダ(Grilled and Marinated Salmon with Steamed Veggies, Stir-Fried Eggplant and Garlic Chives, and Mizuna Salad with Sliced Cucumber and Carrot)





Three dishes today alongside the usual bowls of rice and consomme soup. The first was grilled salmon with steamed veggies. Not much involved here in terms of cooking, because all you have to do is to grill couple of slices of salmon on the pan (preferably without oil) and soak them in a mix sauce of orange juice and ponzu. Steam veggies of your choice, and serve them on the plate alongside salmon, and pour the rest of the sauce on top. Garnish with some fresh onion slices and grated white sesame. Since onions are no longer in season, I soaked the slices in water for a bit before serving them. The sauce that I used was 1:1 orange juice and ponzu, but a little additional lemon juice wouldn't hurt, I think. I would probably add grated Japanese radish if I make this dish again. The salmon was a little too dry for me (this has a lot to do with the quality of salmon slices you end up buying), so radish would be nice. Perhaps I will powder the salmon with flower before grilling it, so that its juice remains within the dish. So many different ways of improving the dish, but it wasn't a bad first attempt!

The second dish was stir-fried eggplant and garlic chives. To be honest, it requires a bit more than a simple stir-fry, but I didn't know what else to call it. You first stir-fry finely chopped chives in the heated sesame oil, and then add a clove of grated garlic. Add soy sauce and water once you start to smell the garlic being cooked. Chop couple of eggplants into bite-size pieces (maybe a bit bigger than a bit-size), soak them in water for 10 minutes or so, and wipe the excess water. Heat some vegetable oil in the pan, and cook all sides of the chopped eggplant until they are all golden brown, add chopped chilies, and then throw them into the sauce while they are still hot. I ended up making too much sauce for the amount of chopped eggplants I had, so I saved the excess sauce in a tupperware for later use. 

The third dish was simply a salad. I used mizuna / mustard spinach last night too, so I wanted to make it with a different dressing tonight. I used sliced cucumber, and finely sliced carrot and sprinkled a bit of salt to make them a little soft. I served mizuna (about 3cm long) with cucumber slices, and put carrot slices on top. We had the salad with some ponzu jello.

Obviously, we had the whole thing with bowls of steamed rice and soup. Instead of miso soup, however, I made some consomme soup with frozen veggies. So easy to make when you have some powdered consomme soup stock in hand!

材料 Ingredients

ご飯 Rice
ご飯(Steamed Rice2杯分(250g¥30$0.30
赤米(Red Rice)小22 TSP

鮭の焼き浸しとグリル野菜 Grilled and Marinated Salmon with Steamed Veggies
鮭の切身(Salmon Steaks2切(2 Slices¥70$0.70
酒(Sake)大22 TBSP
しめじ(Shimeji Mushroom1/4パック(1/4 Pack¥25$0.25
白すり胡麻(Grated White Sesame)大11 TBSP
★オレンジジュース(Orange Juice25ml

茄子とニラのニンニク浸し Stir-Fried Eggplant and Garlic Chives
ニラ(Garlic Chives1/2束()¥30$0.30
胡麻油(Sesame Oil)大11 TBSP
おろしニンニク(Grated Garlic)小22 TSP
鷹の爪(Dried Chilies3本(3 Sticks
醤油(Soy Sauce)大22 TBSP

水菜ときゅうりと人参のサラダ Mizuna Salad with Sliced Cucumber and Carrot
水菜(Mizuna / Mustard Spinach2束(2 Bundles¥30$0.30
塩(Salt)適量(Suitable Amount
胡椒(White Pepper)適量(Suitable Amount
ポン酢ジュレ(Ponzu Jello)適量(Suitable Amount

コンソメスープ Consomme Soup
粉末コンソメ(Powdered Consomme Soup Stock)小1(1 TSP
冷凍野菜ミックス(Frozen Vegetable Mix)適量(Suitable Amount)

¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.

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