I had some spring roll skins left from the other night, so I was thinking of ways that I could use them. I decided to use them as pie sheets, and placed them on the muffin pan after spraying it with a bit of olive oil. I added some bread pieces, tomato sauce, and cheese as toppings, and threw them in the oven until the cheese was melted and golden brown. Sprinkled some parsley for garnish, and done! Very simple, and the spring roll skins gave a very crunchy texture.
材料 Ingredients(4個分 For 4 Pieces)
春巻きの皮(Spring Roll Skin)2枚(2 Pieces)¥60($0.60)
食パン(Bread)2枚(2 Slices)¥30($0.30)
トマトソース(Tomato Sauce)大4(4 TBSP)
とろけるチーズ(Cheese)2枚(2 Slices)¥40($0.40)
パセリ(Parsley)飾り(For Garnish)
オリーブオイル(Olive Oil)適量(Suitable Amount)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.

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