
鶏チャーシューでざる麺(Chilled Chinese Noodles with Chicken Char Sui and Veggies)



I decided to make some chilled noodles for supper tonight. Mostly because I found a package with noodles and ready-to-eat soup for real cheap, but also because I wanted to make chicken char sui with a recipe by runnyrunny999. I haveseen his recipe videos before, but never made anything from them. The recipes he has up online are great, but both my wife and I also adore his character and the way he delivers. Real cute guy with great English. If you haven't already, please check him out!

I served noodles with sliced char sui and numerous veggies that I had in the fridge. Things like spring onions and ginger go well with the noodles, but you can always add whatever veggies you have left in the fridge.

材料 Ingredients

鶏チャーシュー Chicken Char Sui
鶏胸肉(Chicken Breast1枚(200g¥150$1.50
醤油(Soy Sauce)大33 TBSP
酒(Sake)大22 TBSP
みりん(Mirin)大22 TBSP
砂糖(Sugar)大11 TBSP
おろし生姜(Grated Ginger)小11 TSP
おろしにんにく(Grated Garlic)小11 TSP
ネギ(Spring Onion - Green Part10 cm ¥15$0.15

ざる麺 Chilled Chinese Noodles
市販のざる麺(Chilled Chinese Noodle Set2人前(2 Servings¥150$1.50
ネギ(Spring Onion - White Part10cm ¥15$0.15
みょうが(Japanese Ginger1/2株(1/2¥25$0.25
紅生姜(Pickled Ginger)大22 TBSP
しめじ(Shimeji Mushroom1/4パック(1/4 Package¥20$0.20
ラー油(Chili Sesame Oil)小22 TSP
白胡麻(White Sesame)大22 TBSP

¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.

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