Oh my... It has been way too hot here lately. Especially for lunch, I do my best to avoid using grills and stoves. It really is hot enough just standing in the kitchen.
Today, I decided to make a quick lunch for my adorable wife who was hungry and needed something quick to eat. I made a sandwich with lettuce, ham, and pickled onion and habanero. I put small amount of mayo and mustard for seasoning the sandwich, but I think the pickles did the trick. I also made some tomato soup to go with the sandwich, not only because it's easy, but because it is an extra dish. All I had to do is to buy some 100% tomato juice, add some powdered consomme soup stock, put it in the microwave, add black pepper, salt, Italian parsley (whatever you want or have...), and done. All within 10 minutes!
材料 Ingredients 2人分(2 Servings)
サンドイッチ Sandwich
食パン(Bread)4枚(4 Slices)¥50($0.50)
ハム(Ham)8枚(8 Slices)¥30($0.60)
レタス(Lettuce)4枚(4 Leaves)¥10($0.20)
マヨネーズ(Mayo)小2(2 TSP)
マスタード(Mustard)小2(2 TSP)
トマトスープ Tomato Soup
トマトジュース(Tomato Juice)200ml ¥50($0.50)
粉末コンソメ(Powdered Consomme Stock)小1(1 TSP)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.

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