I was planning on making some vegetable sushi tonight, but albacore tuna was on sale, so I figured I might as well make some sushi out of them too. Four kinds of vegetable sushi: grilled king trumpet mushroom with Japanese pickled plum and a lemon slice; sweet corn and mayo wrapped in dried seaweed; mini tomatoes wrapped in cucumber slice; and grilled eggplant with ground ginger. For albacore tuna sushi, I prepared four different kinds also: small sushi roll with tuna and cucumber slices; standard tuna sushi, diced tuna sushi wrapped in cucumber slice; and marinated tuna with onion and lemon slices. Lastly, I had small amount of frozen shrimp left, so I marinated that too, and served it with some green perilla. We had them with some soy sauce and wasabi.
材料 Ingredients
酢飯(Sushi Rice)
米(Rice)2合(2 Cups)頂き物(Gift)
米酢(Rice Vinegar)大4(4 tbsp)
砂糖(Sugar)大3(3 tbsp)
塩(Salt)小2/3(2/3 tsp)
野菜のお寿司(Vegetable Sushi)
エリンギ(King Trumpet Mushroom)1本(1)¥30($0.30)
梅干し(Japanese Pickled Plum)1粒(1 piece)頂き物(Gift)
レモンスライス(Lemon Slice)飾り(For Garnish)
コーンの缶詰(Canned Sweet Corn)大4(4 tbsp)¥10($0.10)
マヨネーズ(Mayo)大1(1 tbsp)
ミニトマト(Mini Tomatoes)2個(2)¥15($0.15)
生姜(Ginger)適量(Suitable Amount)
魚介のお寿司(Seafood Sushi)
鬢長マグロ(Albacore Tuna)150g ¥200($2.00)
海苔(Dried Seaweed)大1枚(20cm x 20cm)頂き物(Gift)
玉葱のスライス(Sliced Onions)1/10個(1/10)¥5($0.05)
イタリアンパセリ(Italian Parsley)飾り(For Garnish)
黒胡椒(Black Pepper)適量(Suitable Amount)
イタリアンドレッシング(Italian Dressing)大1(1 tbsp)
冷凍エビ(Frozen Shrimps)6尾(6)¥30($0.30)
大葉(Fresh Green Perilla Leaves)2枚(2 leaves)¥20($0.20)
お味噌汁(Miso Soup)インスタント(instant miso soup packages)2 贈り物(gift)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.
We had left over pizza for lunch, so it was a very economical day.
It was my first time making vegetable sushi, but I think I put too much rice in each sushi. I will make something with the left over rice tomorrow. My favourite was the eggplant one with ginger, but my wife liked the one with marinated tuna and onion slices. Not very Japanese because I marinated them in the Italian dressing, but it was good. I hope whoever is reading this post gets to make some of them.
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