
メッセージビーン(Message Bean)

一時期流行ったと思うのですが、嫁さんの誕生日プレゼントの1つとしてメッセージビーンを購入。誕生日バージョンが売り切れていたので LOVE バージョンにしました。他にも種類がたくさんあったので簡単なプレゼントには本当に便利ですよ!芽が出るまでに1週間程かかりますが、その待ちが楽しいのですよね。2週間絶った今は50cm程も伸びちょっと対応に困っていますが、これもまた嬉しい悩みですかね!本当にオススメです。

My wife's birthday was a couple of weeks ago and as a part of the gift, I bought this message bean. It's basically a plant that you grow, and as it does messages appear on its leaves. It comes in a can with the seed already planted, so all you have to do is to keep the soil moist and wait. The massages came out in about a week, even though the direction said it could take up to 2 weeks. There are several different messages you can choose from, and use them as gifts. Both affordable and cute, it was definitely worth the smile on my wife's face when the leaves with messages came out. On top of that, the plant is still growing! We are excited to see how long that plant lasts. If you can find something like this in your country, I think it would make a nice gift!

↓ 1週間後(A Week Later)

↓ 10日後(10 Days Later)

↓ 約2週間後(Approximately 2 Weeks Later)

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