I made lunch mostly with left overs from last night's supper. I wrapped some sushi rice with cucumber slices and made two toppings with canned tuna and sweet corn. I served them with some pickled ginger and mini tomatoes.
材料 Ingredients
酢飯(Sushi Rice)適量(Suitable Amount)残り物(Left Overs)
ツナ缶(Tuna Can)1缶(1 Can)¥100($1.00)
コーンの缶詰(Canned Sweet Corn)大2(2 tbsp)残り物(Left Overs)
マヨネーズ(Mayo)大1(1 tbsp)
きゅうり(Cucumber)適量(Suitable Amount)残り物(Left Overs)
ミニトマト(Mini Tomatoes)2個(2)¥15($0.15)
生姜(Pickled Ginger)適量(Suitable Amount)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.
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