This set of dishes were on one of the recipe magazines that I buy from time to time. By replacing beef with tofu, the dish gets a bit healthier. I used garlic sauce that comes in a bottle, but you can always make your own by mixing spring onions, hot pepper, ginger, garlic, white sesame, sugar, sake, soy sauce, and sesame oil.
材料 Ingredients
豆腐の焼き肉風(Sauteed Tofu with Garlic Sauce)
リーフレタス(Leaf Lettuce)4枚(4 Leaves)¥25($0.25)
ネギ(Spring Onion)5cm ¥10($0.10)
大葉(Fresh Green Perilla Leaves)6枚(6 Leaves)¥40($0.40)
白菜キムチ(Kimchi: Korean Pickles)50g ¥50($0.50)
胡麻油(Sesame Oil)大1(1 tbsp)
小麦粉(Flower)適量(Suitable Amount)
焼き肉のたれ(Garlic Sauce)大4(4 tbsp)
ほうれん草のナムル(Spinach Namul)
醤油(Soy Sauce)小1/3(1/3 tsp)
白胡麻(White Sesame)小1(1 tsp)
胡麻油(Sesame Oil)小1(1 tsp)
塩(Salt)適量(Suitable Amount)
すりおろしにんにく(Graded Ginger)小1/4(1/4 tsp)
みょうがときゅうりの冷製スープ(Cold Soup with Cucumber and Japanese Ginger)
みょうが(Japanese Ginger)3個(3)¥100($1.00)
白すり胡麻(White Sesame)小1(1 tsp)
すりおろしにんにく(Graded Ginger)少々(1/10 tsp)
米酢(Rice Vinegar)大2(2 tbsp)
醤油(Soy Sauce)大1(1 tbsp)
砂糖(Sugar)小1(1 tsp)
塩(Salt)小1/2(1/2 tsp)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.
I think I wanted the tofu dish to be a little more spicier. Maybe I will sprinkle dried hot pepper powder, on tofu slices before covering them with flower.

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