Our basil plants are doing so well and are growing faster than we can eat! So I decided to make some basil bread with cheap pancake mix. All you have to do is to mix all the ingredients and then put them in a muffin pan. I put it in the oven (160 degree c) for about 30 minutes. We have a very small oven, so you might need to adjust both temperature and time according to the oven you have. It was affordable and tasty. It was very easy to make too.
材料 Ingredients
ホットケーキミックス(Pancake Mix)200g ¥50($0.50)
ガーリックオイル(Garlic Oil)大2(2 tbsp)
マジックソルト(Seasoned Salt)小1/2(1/2 tsp)
牛乳(Milk)大2(2 tbsp)
チーズ(Cheese)40g ¥60($0.60)
フレッシュバジル(Fresh Basil)適量(Suitable Amount)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.
It felt a little dry, so it won't be a bad idea to add a little more milk or garlic oil, but my wife said they were fine, so maybe it is a matter of preference.

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