
焼きそば(Vegetable Chow Mein)


Chow mein noodles are often sold here in a package of 3 with sauce, so that all you have to do is to throw in some vegetables and meat of your choice. I usually by few packages when they are on sale, and I still had one bag of noodles left in the fridge, so today's lunch was vegetable chow mein. I know most people cook these noodles on the pan, but I threw all the ingredients in a big microwavable bowl, and put it in the microwave for approximately 7 minutes. Stir it a bit after taking it out of the microwave, garnish with some pickled ginger, and done! Cooking it on the pan requires more oil, and I hate when noodles stick to my pans, so microwave wasn't a bad idea!

材料 Ingredients

中華蒸し麺(Chow Mein Noodles)1袋(150g)¥30($0.30)
もやし(Bean Sprouts)1袋(100g)¥30($0.30)
オイスターソース(Oyster Sauce)大1(1 tbsp)
醤油(Soy Sauce)大1/2(1/2 tbsp)
ごま油(Sesame Oil)大1/2(1/2 tbsp)
塩(Salt)小1/2(1/2 tsp)
胡椒(Pepper)少々(1/10 tsp)
紅生姜(Pickled Ginger)適量(suitable amount)
青のり(Green Laver)適量(suitable amount)
鰹節(Bonito Flakes)適量(suitable amount)

¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.


It ended up being more like a vegetable stir-fry. Maybe it was a little too much veggies for the amount of noodles, but it tasted ok. I also had to add some powdered sauce that came with the noodles because the above amount of sauce was definitely not enough. I would double the amount written above.

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