
食器とキッチン用品(Tableware and Kitchen Tools)002

「食器とキッチン用品」シリーズの第2弾です! 今回はワイン関係の物を紹介したいと思います。実は京都の祇園にある本格イタリアンのレストランでバイトをしていたことがありまして、少しですがワインの勉強をする機会がありました。試飲会等にも行かせて頂き、本当に良い勉強になりました。そんなことから少しのこだわりもあり、それに夫婦共にパスタ好きと言うことも重なり、我が家にとってワインは食事にかかせない飲み物となっています。基本的には重めの赤が好きなのですが、これからの季節はさっぱり系の白ワインが美味しく感じれるのだろうななんて思いながらワインリストを眺めています。

My second post on the series "Tableware and Kitchen Tools." This time I wanted to show you guys some useful tools for wines. I spent some time working at an Italian restaurant in Kyoto, and I had the opportunity to study a bit about wine there. As a result, I did become a little picky about wine... At the same time, both my partner and I enjoy eating pasta with a nice glass of wine, or two, or three, or four...


Above is a picture of my sommelier knife that I have been using for almost 5 years. I love the wooden handle on it, and I am glad that I had invested a bit in this item. My partner, on the other hand, is quite fond of the other bottle opener shown in the same picture. Very easy and simple to use, while making bottle opening effortless. If you are into wine, a nice sommelier knife is not a bad investment. But table wines are made to be accessible to everyone, and a friendly bottle opener is something that is worth having around in your kitchen.


The second picture above is a suction pump and lid for wine bottles. A bottle of wine usually gives you a generous 5 glasses, but sometimes that's more than you wish to consume. That is very rare in our household, but sometimes I open a bottle of white for cooking and want to save the rest. Since air is wine's biggest enemy, the pump and the lid in the picture allows you to save the remaining wine without damaging it too much. Obviously, the wine doesn't last forever, but it does the trick. The set was given to me as a gift by my partner, and I use it every chance I get. It's worth having it kicking around in your kitchen!!!

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