I made some Japanese Curry tonight. It is actually quite rate in Japan to make curry from scratch, especially for family dinners because we make a use of pre-seasoned curry mix that are sold in grocery stores. I had one of those in stock, and added some veggies (onions, carrots, and potatoes) alongside some beef. The curry mix does not seem to provide us with enough kick, so I add some garlic, chili and curry powder to the beef before adding the mix. We had it tonight with some brown rice and a salad that included tofu, tomato, lettuce and ponzu for dressing.
材料 Ingredients
カレー Japanese Curry
玄米(Brow Rice) ・・・・・・・・・・1合(1 Cup)自家製(home grown)
合挽肉(Ground Meat)・・・・・・・・200g(200g)¥300($3.00)
じゃがいも(Potatoes)・・・・・・・・4個(4 pieces)¥240($2.40)
人参(Carrots) ・・・・・・・・・・・1本(1 piece)¥60($0.60)
玉葱(Onions)・・・・・・・・・・・・3個(3 pirces)¥50($0.50)
カレーのルー(Curry Mix) ・・・・・・1箱(1 box)¥100($1.00)
カレーパウダー(Curry Powder) ・・・小1(1 tsp)
おろしにんにく(Shredded Garilc)・・小1(1 tsp)
鷹の爪(Chili) ・・・・・・・・・・・3本(3 sticks)¥5($0.05)
ローリエ(Laurier) ・・・・・・・・・2枚(2 leaves)¥10($0.10)
サラダ油(Vegetable Oil)・・・・・・適量(suitable amount)
豆腐サラダ(Tofu Salad)
レタス(Lettuce)・・・・・・・・・3葉(3 leaves)¥10($0.10)
豆腐(Tofu)・・・・・・・・・・・・1/2丁(1/2 package)¥50($0.50)
トマト(Tomatoes) ・・・・・・・・1/4個(1/4 piece)¥30($0.30)
黄パプリカ(Yellow Papurika) ・・1/8個(1/8 piece)¥15($0.15)
ポン酢(Ponzy) ・・・・・・・・・・適量(suitable amount)
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