It does sound quite fancy to call a dish "Salmon a la Meuniere." In truth though, I ran into marinated slices of salmon steaks, so all I that did was to grill them. I used left over broth and oil after cooking salmon to make some sauce with balsamic vinegar. I placed them along some spinach leaves and bread crusts for the looks. The salad was a simple one too, mostly containing left over veggies that I had in my fridge. I also made a small salad with fake crab meat, mayo, onions, cucumbers and cottage cheese to make the salad look a little more attractive.
材料 Ingredients
鮭のムニエル Salmon a la Meuniere
下味のついた鮭の切身(Marinated Salmon Fillet)3枚(3 slices)¥150($1.50)
にんにく(Garlic)1片(1 clove)¥10($0.10)
オリーブオイル(Olive Oil)適量(suitable amount)
小さい新じゃが(Thumb Size Potatoes)6個(6)¥60($0.60)
ほうれん草の葉(Leaves of Spinach)10枚(10 leaves)¥20($0.20)
食パンの耳(Bread Crust)2本(2 pieces)
バルサミコ酢(Balsamic Vinegar)大3/4(3/4 tbsp)
塩・胡椒(Salt and Pepper)少々(1/10 tsp)
サラダ Salad
ミニトマト(Mini Tomatoes)3個(3 pieces)¥30($0.30)
紫玉葱(Red Onion)1/8個(1/8 piece)¥12($0.12)
黄パプリカ(Yellow Paprika)1/10個(1/10 piece)¥10($0.10)
かにかま(Fake Crab Meat)4本(4 sticks)¥15($0.15)
マヨネーズ(Mayo)適量(suitable amount)
レモン汁(Lemon Juice)適量(suitable amount)
カテッジチーズ(Cottage Cheese)50g ¥100($1.00)
塩・胡椒(Salt and Pepper)適量(suitable amount)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.
The cost of making lunch today was about $4.10, so I am just a bit over the target $10.00 line. I do have a lot of left overs from the lunch, so it wasn't that bad I guess.
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