Another Japanese lunch with rice balls and miso soup. Just like sandwiches, you can put whatever you want in the rice balls. This time, I made one with tuna, mayo and onions, and the other with "Yukari," salted and dried red perilla leaves. I wrapped the tuna one with dried seaweed, and the other one with fresh green perilla leaves. Miso soup was an instant one that my mother had sent me. I garnished it with some left over slices of spring onions.
The picture is out of focus. I only took one pic, sorry.
材料 Ingredients
シーチキンおむすび Tuna Rice Ball
玄米(Brown Rice)140g 自家製(home grown)
ツナ缶(Canned Tuna)1缶(1 can)¥100($1.00)
玉葱(Onion)1/2個(1/2)残り物(left over from last night)
マヨネーズ(Mayo)大1(1 tbsp)
焼き海苔(Dried Seaweed)大1枚(20cm x 20cm)贈り物(gift)
ゆかりご飯のおむすび Yukari Rice Ball
玄米(Brown Rice)80g 自家製(home grown)
ゆかり(Yukari)小1(1 tsp)
大葉(Fresh Green Perilla Leaves)2枚(2 leaves)¥20($0.20)
きんぴらごぼう(Stir-Fried Burdock)適量(suitable amount)残り物(left over)
お味噌汁(Miso Soup)インスタント(instant miso soup packages)2 贈り物(gift)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.
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