Happy, おうちごはんノート(Ouchi Gohan Noto):Happy Life Style, 東京(Tokyo):ぴあMook(Pia Mook), 2008.
I was out of stock for my Pesto Genovese and our basil plants were growing well, so I decided to make the sauce today. I find the sauce very versatile, and I use it frequently as pasta sauce, salad dressing etc... On top of that, the ingredients are easy to get, and there's not much involved in making it. I just put all the ingredients into a chopping machine, and let it rip. Some store the sauce in glass bottles, but I find that the basil oxidizes too fast that way. So instead, I store it in a ziplock bag and keep it in the freezer. That way I can thaw small pieces as I need them.
材料 Ingredients
バジル(Fresh Basil Leaves)30g 自家製(home grown)
にんにく(Garlic)2片(2 cloves)¥15($0.15)
パルメザンチーズ(Parmesan Cheeze)20g ¥150($1.50)
松の実(Pine Nuts)20g ¥280($2.80)
エクストラバージンオリーブオイル(Extra Virgin Olive Oil)100ml ¥80($0.80)
塩(Salt)小1(1 tsp)
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