
コロッケ、ひじきの煮物、きゅうりの梅肉和えとお味噌汁(Croquettes, Boiled and Seasoned Hijiki Seaweed, Cucumber with Pickled Plums, and Miso Soup)


I don't like to deep fry things at home, so I rarely cook anything that requires a lot of oil. So when we feel like having something like croquettes, I usually go to the store and buy pre-made ones. This time, I decided to get some vegetable ones and threw it in the our microwave oven. Our microwave oven is really nice because it has a neat button for reheating deep fried food, and the machine automatically alternates the use of both oven and microwave functions. This makes the croquettes very crispy outside!! Anyway, I also made a dish with hijiki seaweed (very black looking seaweed), a small cucumber dish with Japanese pickled plum, and miso soup.

材料 Ingredients

コロッケ Croquettes
野菜のコロッケ(Vegetable Croquettes)4 ¥200($2.00)
キャベツ(Cabbage)1/8 ¥15($0.15)
レタス(Lettuce)1/10 ¥10($0.10)
トマト(Tomatoes)1/2 ¥30($0.30)
黄パプリカ(Yellow Paprika)1/4 ¥25($0.25)
ウスターソース(Japanese Worcestershire Sauce)適量(suitable amount)

ひじきの煮物 Boiled and Seasoned Hijiki Seaweed
芽ひじき(Hijiki Dried Seaweed)15g ¥100($1.00)
人参(Carrots)1/4 ¥10($0.10)
ちくわ(Fish Paste Cake)1本(1 stick)¥35($0.35)
醤油(Soy Sauce)大1(1 tbsp)
酒(Sake)大1(1 tbsp)
砂糖(Sugar)大1/2(1/2 tbsp)
サラダ油(Vegetable Oil)小1/2(1/2 tsp)

大根(Japanese White Radish)残り物(left over)
油揚げ(Fried Tofu)1枚(1 slice)¥20($0.20)
ミニ青梗菜(Mini Bok Choy)2束(2 bundles)¥60($0.60)
水(Water)2 Cups
粉末出汁(Powdered Japanese Soup Stock)小1(1 tsp)
味噌(Miso)大1.5(1.5 tbsp)

梅干し(Japanese Pickled Plum)1粒(1)頂き物(gift)
鰹節(Bonito Flakes)適量(suitable amount)

玄米ご飯 Steamed Brown Rice
玄米(Brown Rice)1合(1 cup)自家製(home grown)

¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.


Today's dishes were under $9, so I guess it was alright. Croquettes were very good though. I cannot see it tasting any better if I made it. I think I am going to make some panini
sandwich for lunch, and seasoned pumpkin for dinner. Maybe I can find some nice fish to eat for dinner!

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