
クロワッサンサンドイッチ(Croissant Sandwich)


The past couple of days have been really hot here in Japan. It is supposed to be our rainy season, but no sight of rain for few days. We cleaned the house, and I spent some time cleaning up our garden. Weeds grow like crazy, so cleaning had to be done sooner than later. For lunch tho, I made some sandwiches with croissant. Croissants came singly packaged, so I made sandwiches and put them back in to the package in order for my wife and I to eat them whenever we want. It was a quick and easy lunch!!

材料 Ingredients

ハム(Ham)8枚(8 Slices)¥150($1.50)
スライスチーズ(Sliced Cheese)2枚(2 Slices)¥20($0.20)
レタス(Lettuce)4枚(4 Leaves)¥20($0.20)
粒マスタード(French Mustard)大2(2 tbsp)
マヨネーズ(Mayo)大2(2 tbsp)

¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.

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