Dumplings have been my favourite food since when I was little. My dad use to make a lot of them for my birthday so that I could eat as much as I want. Dumplings usually require ground pork, but I decided tonight to make vegetable ones with some bean sprouts and garlic chives, mixed with some sesame oil and dou ban jang (Chinese seasoning paste). I also made another set of dumplings with some chopped chicken breasts and garlic sprouts, marinated in Japanese BBQ sauce. I served those dumplings on alongside some lettuce and tomatoes, with thinly sliced green onion and chills as garnish. We had those dumplings with miso soup and some brown rice.
材料 Ingredients
野菜餃子 Vegetable Dumplings
もやし(Bean Sprouts)1袋(100g)¥30($0.30)
ニラ(Garlic Chives)1袋(100g)¥100($1.00)
餃子の皮(Raw Doughs for Dumplings)10枚(10 pieces)¥100($1.00)
豆板醤(dou Ban Jang)大1(1 tbsp)
ごま油(Sesame Oil)大1(1 tbsp)
鶏胸肉(Chicken Breast)100g ¥50($0.50)
にんにくの芽(Garlic Sprouts)1/2束(50g)¥100($1.00)
焼き肉のタレ(Japanese BBQ Sauce)大2(2 tbsp)
餃子の皮(Raw Doughs for Dumplings)10枚(10 pieces)¥100($1.00)
玄米ご飯 Steamed Brown Rice
玄米(Brown Rice)1合(1 cup)自家製(home grown)
水(Water)1 cup
お味噌汁(Miso Soup)
粉末出汁のもと(Powdered Dashi Stock)小1(1 tsp)
ネギ(Spring Onions)2本(2)¥12($0.12)
味噌(Miso)大2(2 tbsp)
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.
Our lunch today was quite cheap with only $1.70. That was mostly due to my over spending last night and its left overs.
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