I am not a huge fan of KFC, but I often feel the urge to eat fried chicken. I had some drum-stick in the freezer, so I decided to make some tonight. I hate deep-frying anything at home, so after marinating the chicken, I threw them in the oven. Overall, I think the taste was near-perfect, but I wish they were a little more crunchy outside. Maybe I will powder the marinated chicken with bread crumbs or the likes the next time.
For my second dish, I decided to make mizuna / mustard spinach salad. After de-oiling deep fried tofu in the microwave, I grilled it until they are golden brown on both sides. Cut it up into 5mm slices, and toss them together with mizuna. Mix grated white sesame, mayo, and ponzu in a bowl, and toss mizuna and grilled deep-fried tofu together. An easy salad dish, but the sesame gives a nice punch!
As usual, I served them with bowls of rice and miso soup, but I had some stir-fried burdock still. So I put them into the miso soup to finally finish them!
材料 Ingredients
ご飯(Steamed Rice)2杯分(250g)¥30($0.30)
赤米(Red Rice)小2(2 TSP)
骨付き肉の唐揚げ風 Deep Fried-Like Drum Stick
骨付き鶏肉(Chicken Drum Sticks)6本(6)¥240($2.40)
レタス(Lettuce)葉2枚(2 Leaves)¥10($0.10)
片栗粉(Potato Starch)大4(4 TBSP)
★酒(Sake)大1(1 TBSP)
★醤油(Soy Sauce)大1(1 TBSP)
★胡麻油(Sesame Oil)大1(1 TBSP)
★焼肉のタレ(Japanese BBQ Sauce)大1(1 TBSP)
★おろし生姜(Grated Ginger)小1(1 TSP)
★塩(Salt)少々(1/10 TSP)
水菜とお揚げの胡麻マヨサラダ Mizuna Salad with Sesame and Mayo Dressing
水菜(Mizuna / Mustard Spinach)2束(2 Bundles)¥30($0.30)
お揚げ(Deep Fried Tofu)1枚(1 Piece)¥20($0.20)
★マヨネーズ(Mayo)大1(1 TBSP)
★すり胡麻(Grated White Sesame)大2(2 TBSP)
★ポン酢(Ponzu)大1(1 TBSP)
お味噌汁 Miso Soup
出汁入り味噌(Miso)大2(2 TBSP)
きんぴらごぼう(Stir-Fried Burdock)残り物(Left Overs)
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