Salmon slices were on sale today, so I made salmon meunière and served it with lemon slices and and ponzu jello. On the side, I served spinach salad and potato galet. It was timely, because I just received some organic onions and potatoes from my parents.
材料 Ingredients
鮭のムニエル(Salmon Meunière)
鮭の切身(Salmon Steaks)2切(2 Pieces)¥200($2.00)
マジックソルト(Seasoned Salt)小1/2(1/2 tsp)
小麦粉(Flower)適量(Suitable Amount)
「ポン酢ジュレ」(Ponzu Jello)大2(2 tbsp)
ほうれん草のサラダ(Spinach Salad)
ほうれん草(Spinach)2束(2 Bundles)¥40($0.40)
ガーリックオイル(Olive Oil)小2(2 tsp)
塩・胡椒(Salt and Pepper)少々(1/10 tsp)
じゃがいものガレット(Potato Galet)
オリーブオイル(Olive Oil)大1(1 tbsp)
作り方 Direction
2人分(2 Servings)
1)鮭の切り身にマジックソルトで下味をつけ、薄く小麦粉を振る。Sprinkle some herb salt on salmon slices, and powder them with flower.
2)フライパンでバターを熱し、鮭を両面焼く。Grill both sides of the salmon slices with butter.
3)玉葱を1センチ程の輪切りにし、爪楊枝で形を整えフライパンで焼き色をつける。Cut onions into 1cm slices, and grill them on pan.
4)細い人参の皮をむき4等分にし、玉葱と同様焼き色をつける。Cut a carrot vertically into four pieces, and grill them as the onion slices above.
5)耐熱容器に焼き色をつけた鮭、玉葱、人参を入れ、200度で約20分焼く。Place salmon slices, onion slices, and carrot pieces into ovenware, and throw it the 200c oven for about 20 minutes.
6)じゃがいもを細切りにし、オリーブオイルを熱したフライパンで両面焼く。Thinly slice pealed potatoes, and grill them on the pan with olive oil.
7)ほうれん草は水洗いし、水をよくきり、マジックソルトとオリーブオイルで和える。Wash the spinach, and mix it with some herb salt and olive oil.
8)お皿に盛り、玉葱のスライスの上に鮭を置き、レモンのスライスと「ポン酢ジュレ」を添え、ガレットとほうれん草を盛ったら出来上がり。Place onion slices, salmon slice and a lemon slices in that order on a plate, and pour some ponzu jello on top. Place galet and spinach on the side, and garnish with some Italian parsley.
¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.

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