
セルクルサラダ、ジェノベーゼパスタと鶏骨付き肉のオーブン焼き(Circular Salad, Genovese Sauce Pasta, and Grilled Chicken)


I had a toe injury a week ago, and I have been forced to visit my doctor everyday. Not exactly a good thing, but the injury provided me with the opportunity to visit a grocery store that I rarely had the occasion to visit. In comparison to the one close to my place, the store sells meat products quite a bit cheaper, while it's prices and selections for fishes are a tad poor. I bought some chicken pieces already marinated in the garlic sauce for quite an affordable price, so I made some salad and pasta to go with it.

I tossed some fake crab meat with mayo and lemon juice and packed it into the circular utensil shown in my third picture. Add finely chopped onion, cucumber, and cottage cheese on top in that order. Season it on top with some salt and black pepper, and garnish it with small lemon slice and parsley. Looks cute, and tastes half decent. The pasta was simple too because I usually have some genovese sauce on stock in my freezer. I just mixed the defrosted sauce with boiled pasta. I added some fresh basil leaves that we grow on top, and done! I bought the chicken pre-marinated, so I cooked it on the pan, and added pre-boiled carrots and garlic sprouts. Threw the chicken, carrots and garlic sprouts in the oven while we eat the salad and pasta, and place them on the dinner plate.

Simple enough, no? I think it is important to cut corners with whatever your grocery store provides you!

材料 Ingredients

セルクルサラダ(Circular Salad)

サラダスティック(Fake Crab Meat)・・・・6本(6 sticks)¥40($0.40)
マヨネーズ(Mayo)・・・・・・・・・・・・・適量(suitable amount)
レモン汁(Lemon Juice) ・・・・・・・・・適量(suitable amount)
新玉葱(Onion)1/4個(1/4) ・・・・・・・¥20($0.20)
キュウリ(Cucumber)1/2本(1/2) ・・・・¥20($0.20)
カテッジチーズ(Cottage Cheese)・・・・・50g¥100($1)
塩・胡椒(Salt and Pepper)・・・・・・・適量(suitable amount)
レモンスライス(Lemon Slice) ・・・・・・飾り(garnish)

ジェノベーゼ・パスタ(Pasta with Genovese Sauce)

ジェノベーゼソース(Genovese Sauce)・・・20g 自家製(home made)
好みのパスタ(Pasta of your Choice) ・・80g ¥30($0.30)
バジルの葉(Basil Leaves) ・・・・・・・・飾り(garnish)

鶏の骨付き肉のオーブン焼き(Marinated Grill Chicken)

骨付き肉(Pre-Marinated Chicken)・・・・2本(2 pieces)¥240($2.40)
人参(Carrots)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・小1本(1 small carrot)¥50($0.50)
ニンニクの芽(Garlic Sprouts)・・・・・・2本(2 pieces)¥20($0.20)

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