
お弁当 002(Lunchbox 002)


I had some left overs that I wanted to use up, so I made a lunchbox out of them. I had some vegetable dumplings in the freezer from a couple of days ago; some stir-fried burdock; as well as some salmon a la meuniere from last night. I filled our lunch boxes with some brown rice and the above, and added some boiled broccoli and mini tomatoes.

材料 Ingredients

玄米(Brown Rice)1合(1 cup)自家製(home grown)
梅干し(Japanese Pickled Plum)1粒(1 piece)頂き物(gift)
野菜餃子(Vegetable Dumplings)6個(6)残り物(left over)
きんぴらごぼう(Stir-Fried Burdock)適量(suitable amount)残り物(left over)
ミニトマト(Mini Tomatoes)2個(2)¥20($0.20)
ブロッコリー(Broccoli)適量(suitable amount)残り物(left over)

¥100調味料代として加算しています♪ I put an extra dollar for seasonings and condiments that I didn't calculate above.


Lunchboxes really are useful. We really do have a culture of lunchboxes, but the best ones are those filled with left overs! Easy to make, but great to eat!

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