
グラタンとトマトスープ(Gratin and Tomato Soup)


We had left over creme stew in the freezer, so I made gratin with macaroni pasta. I don't like to spend too much time in the kitchen for making lunch, so I made a quick tomato soup to go with the gratin. I just poured some tomato juice into cups, added some powdered consomme stock and parmesan cheese, and threw it in the microwave for a bit. Add some parsley for garnish and done. Fast and easy!!

材料 Ingredients

クリームシチュー(Creme Stew)・・・・・2人前(for 2)、残り物(left over)
マカロニパスタ(Macaroni Pasta)・・・・50g、¥50
ピザ用チーズ(Cheese) ・・・・・・・・・適量(suitable amount)、¥50

トマトジュース(Tomato Juice)・・・・・・・300ml、¥50
粉末コンソメ(Powdered Consomme Stock) ・適量(suitable amount)
パルメザンチーズ(Parmesan Cheese)・・・・少々(sprinkle)


I always feel like some Japanese food for dinner when we have gratin for lunch. Maybe some sushi...
The second picture is our small collection of Le Creuset. We only have two sets, but they are so useful!!!

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